Sunday, December 21, 2008

We have about 8 to 10 inches of snow on the ground and it's snowing right now.
Myron and Mitch have worked on siding the south wall this last week, in temperatures as low as 18 degrees F. They have the last 5 feet going up to the peak left to do. After Christmas, Russell's room will be empty and they will begin taking out the wall between his space and the master bedroom. (I imagine at that point they will close the exterior access and install the window.) We hope to have most of the furniture removed and stored by the 29th so we can begin the adventure of camping out in our own house.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

It got cold and snow fell last night.
That's okay because most of the plywood sheathing /seismic retrofit work is done. All of the windows are in but for the two back access points.
Plumbing is well under way. Water and outfall are installed and waiting for valves and trim.
The heat ducting is done except for the final hook-up to the furnace.
The electricians got the new conduit from the street to the meter installed and reburied. It still has to be connected by the power company via some confusing two-part process. Recessed lights have been installed in the dining area and the office.
The pocket door frames for the water and walk-in closets are installed.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The roof is on. All the skylights have been installed, and those in the new construction have been framed. 8 out of the 10 2'x2' windows have been installed. The master bath framing is well under way, with the shower, water closet and walk-in closet taking shape. A trench has been dug from the office to the street to facilitate an upgrade of the conduit and service wire connecting to the new meter and service panels.

Next week the electricians will be here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The majority of the framing and sheathing is complete. The roof sheathing is on, as is the roofing paper. The composite shingles are stacked on the roof and should be installed by the end of the week. The new breaker and meter panels have been installed with conduit and wire running between them. New windows and skylights are in the garage, ready to be installed.